Source code for eyed3.plugins.stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (C) 2009  Travis Shirk <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import operator
from collections import Counter

from eyed3 import id3, mp3
from eyed3.core import AUDIO_MP3
from eyed3.utils import guessMimetype
from eyed3.utils.console import Fore, Style, printMsg
from eyed3.plugins import LoaderPlugin
from eyed3.id3 import frames

ID3_VERSIONS = [id3.ID3_V1_0, id3.ID3_V1_1,
                id3.ID3_V2_2, id3.ID3_V2_3, id3.ID3_V2_4]

_OP_STRINGS = {operator.le: "<=",
      "< ",
      "> ",
               operator.eq: "= ",

[docs]class Rule(object):
[docs] def test(self): raise NotImplementedError()
PREFERRED_ID3_VERSIONS = [id3.ID3_V2_3, id3.ID3_V2_4, ]
[docs]class Id3TagRules(Rule):
[docs] def test(self, path, audio_file): scores = [] if audio_file is None: return None if not audio_file.tag: return [(-75, "Missing ID3 tag")] tag = audio_file.tag if tag.version not in PREFERRED_ID3_VERSIONS: scores.append((-30, "ID3 version not in %s" % PREFERRED_ID3_VERSIONS)) if not tag.title: scores.append((-30, "Tag missing title")) if not tag.artist: scores.append((-28, "Tag missing artist")) if not tag.album: scores.append((-26, "Tag missing album")) if not tag.track_num[0]: scores.append((-24, "Tag missing track number")) if not tag.track_num[1]: scores.append((-22, "Tag missing total # of tracks")) if not tag.getBestDate(): scores.append((-30, "Tag missing any useful dates")) else: if not tag.original_release_date: # Original release date is so rarely used but is almost always # what I mean or wanna know. scores.append((-10, "No original release date")) elif not tag.release_date: scores.append((-5, "No release date")) # TLEN, best gotten from but having it in # the tag is good, I guess. if b"TLEN" not in tag.frame_set: scores.append((-5, "No TLEN frame")) return scores
[docs]class BitrateRule(Rule): BITRATE_DEDUCTIONS = [(128, -20), (192, -10)]
[docs] def test(self, path, audio_file): scores = [] if not audio_file: return None if not # Detected as an audio file but not real audio data found. return [(-90, "No audio data found")] is_vbr, bitrate = for threshold, score in self.BITRATE_DEDUCTIONS: if bitrate < threshold: scores.append((score, "Bit rate < %d" % threshold)) break return scores
VALID_MIME_TYPES = mp3.MIME_TYPES + ["image/png", "image/gif", "image/jpeg", ]
[docs]class FileRule(Rule):
[docs] def test(self, path, audio_file): mt = guessMimetype(path) for name in os.path.split(path): if name.startswith('.'): return [(-100, "Hidden file type")] if mt not in VALID_MIME_TYPES: return [(-100, "Unsupported file type: %s" % mt)] return None
VALID_ARTWORK_NAMES = ("cover", "cover-front", "cover-back")
[docs]class ArtworkRule(Rule):
[docs] def test(self, path, audio_file): mt = guessMimetype(path) if mt and mt.startswith("image/"): name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path)) if name not in VALID_ARTWORK_NAMES: return [(-10, "Artwork file not in %s" % str(VALID_ARTWORK_NAMES))] return None
[docs]class Id3FrameRules(Rule):
[docs] def test(self, path, audio_file): scores = [] if not audio_file or not audio_file.tag: return tag = audio_file.tag for fid in tag.frame_set: if fid[0] == 'T' and fid != "TXXX" and len(tag.frame_set[fid]) > 1: scores.append((-10, "Multiple %s frames" % fid.decode('ascii'))) elif fid in BAD_FRAMES: scores.append((-13, "%s frames are bad, mmmkay?" % fid.decode('ascii'))) return scores
[docs]class Stat(Counter): TOTAL = "total" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Stat, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self[self.TOTAL] = 0 self._key_names = {}
[docs] def compute(self, file, audio_file): self[self.TOTAL] += 1 self._compute(file, audio_file)
def _compute(self, file, audio_file): pass
[docs] def report(self): self._report()
def _sortedKeys(self, most_common=False): def keyDisplayName(k): return self._key_names[k] if k in self._key_names else k key_map = {} for k in list(self.keys()): key_map[keyDisplayName(k)] = k if not most_common: sorted_names = [k for k in key_map.keys() if k] sorted_names.remove(self.TOTAL) sorted_names.sort() sorted_names.append(self.TOTAL) else: most_common = self.most_common() sorted_names = [] remainder_names = [] for k, v in most_common: if k != self.TOTAL and v > 0: sorted_names.append(keyDisplayName(k)) elif k != self.TOTAL: remainder_names.append(keyDisplayName(k)) remainder_names.sort() sorted_names = sorted_names + remainder_names sorted_names.append(self.TOTAL) return [key_map[name] for name in sorted_names] def _report(self, most_common=False): keys = self._sortedKeys(most_common=most_common) key_col_width = 0 val_col_width = 0 for key in keys: key = self._key_names[key] if key in self._key_names else key key_col_width = max(key_col_width, len(str(key))) val_col_width = max(val_col_width, len(str(self[key]))) key_col_width += 1 val_col_width += 1 for k in keys: key_name = self._key_names[k] if k in self._key_names else k value = self[k] percent = self.percent(k) if value and k != "total" else "" print("{padding}{key}:{value}{percent}".format( padding=' ' * 4, key=str(key_name).ljust(key_col_width), value=str(value).rjust(val_col_width), percent=" ( %s%.2f%%%s )" % (Fore.GREEN, percent, Fore.RESET) if percent else "", ))
[docs] def percent(self, key): return (float(self[key]) / float(self["total"])) * 100
[docs]class AudioStat(Stat):
[docs] def compute(self, audio_file): assert(audio_file) self["total"] += 1 self._compute(audio_file)
def _compute(self, audio_file): pass
[docs]class FileCounterStat(Stat): SUPPORTED_AUDIO = "audio" UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO = "audio (unsupported)" HIDDEN_FILES = "hidden" OTHER_FILES = "other" def __init__(self): super(FileCounterStat, self).__init__() for k in ("audio", "hidden", "audio (unsupported)"): self[k] = 0 def _compute(self, file, audio_file): mt = guessMimetype(file) if audio_file: self[self.SUPPORTED_AUDIO] += 1 elif mt and mt.startswith("audio/"): self[self.UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO] += 1 elif os.path.basename(file).startswith('.'): self[self.HIDDEN_FILES] += 1 else: self[self.OTHER_FILES] += 1 def _report(self): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREY + "Files:" + Style.RESET_ALL) super(FileCounterStat, self)._report()
[docs]class MimeTypeStat(Stat): def _compute(self, file, audio_file): mt = guessMimetype(file) self[mt] += 1 def _report(self): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREY + "Mime-Types:" + Style.RESET_ALL) super(MimeTypeStat, self)._report(most_common=True)
[docs]class Id3VersionCounter(AudioStat): def __init__(self): super(Id3VersionCounter, self).__init__() for v in ID3_VERSIONS: self[v] = 0 self._key_names[v] = id3.versionToString(v) def _compute(self, audio_file): if audio_file.tag: self[audio_file.tag.version] += 1 else: self[None] += 1 def _report(self): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREY + "ID3 versions:" + Style.RESET_ALL) super(Id3VersionCounter, self)._report()
[docs]class Id3FrameCounter(AudioStat): def _compute(self, audio_file): if audio_file.tag: for frame_id in audio_file.tag.frame_set: self[frame_id] += len(audio_file.tag.frame_set[frame_id]) def _report(self): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREY + "ID3 frames:" + Style.RESET_ALL) super(Id3FrameCounter, self)._report(most_common=True)
[docs]class BitrateCounter(AudioStat): def __init__(self): super(BitrateCounter, self).__init__() self["cbr"] = 0 self["vbr"] = 0 self.bitrate_keys = [(operator.le, 96), (operator.le, 112), (operator.le, 128), (operator.le, 160), (operator.le, 192), (operator.le, 256), (operator.le, 320), (, 320), ] for k in self.bitrate_keys: self[k] = 0 op, bitrate = k self._key_names[k] = "%s %d" % (_OP_STRINGS[op], bitrate) def _compute(self, audio_file): if audio_file.type != AUDIO_MP3 or is None: self["total"] -= 1 return vbr, br = if vbr: self["vbr"] += 1 else: self["cbr"] += 1 for key in self.bitrate_keys: key_op, key_br = key if key_op(br, key_br): self[key] += 1 break def _report(self): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREY + "MP3 bitrates:" + Style.RESET_ALL) super(BitrateCounter, self)._report(most_common=True) def _sortedKeys(self, most_common=False): keys = super(BitrateCounter, self)._sortedKeys(most_common=most_common) keys.remove("cbr") keys.remove("vbr") keys.insert(0, "cbr") keys.insert(1, "vbr") return keys
[docs]class RuleViolationStat(Stat): def _report(self): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREY + "Rule Violations:" + Style.RESET_ALL) super(RuleViolationStat, self)._report(most_common=True)
[docs]class Id3ImageTypeCounter(AudioStat): def __init__(self): super(Id3ImageTypeCounter, self).__init__() self._key_names = {} for attr in dir(frames.ImageFrame): val = getattr(frames.ImageFrame, attr) if isinstance(val, int) and not attr.endswith("_TYPE"): self._key_names[val] = attr for v in self._key_names: self[v] = 0 def _compute(self, audio_file): if audio_file.tag: for img in audio_file.tag.images: self[img.picture_type] += 1 def _report(self): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREY + "APIC image types:" + Style.RESET_ALL) super(Id3ImageTypeCounter, self)._report()
[docs]class StatisticsPlugin(LoaderPlugin): NAMES = ['stats'] SUMMARY = u"Computes statistics for all audio files scanned." def __init__(self, arg_parser): super(StatisticsPlugin, self).__init__(arg_parser) self.arg_group.add_argument( "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show details for each file with rule violations.") self._stats = [] self._rules_stat = RuleViolationStat() self._stats.append(FileCounterStat()) self._stats.append(MimeTypeStat()) self._stats.append(Id3VersionCounter()) self._stats.append(Id3FrameCounter()) self._stats.append(Id3ImageTypeCounter()) self._stats.append(BitrateCounter()) self._score_sum = 0 self._score_count = 0 self._rules_log = {} self._rules = [Id3TagRules(), FileRule(), ArtworkRule(), BitrateRule(), Id3FrameRules(), ]
[docs] def handleFile(self, path): super(StatisticsPlugin, self).handleFile(path) if not self.args.quiet: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() for stat in self._stats: if isinstance(stat, AudioStat): if self.audio_file: stat.compute(self.audio_file) else: stat.compute(path, self.audio_file) self._score_count += 1 total_score = 100 for rule in self._rules: scores = rule.test(path, self.audio_file) or [] if scores: if path not in self._rules_log: self._rules_log[path] = [] for score, text in scores: self._rules_stat[text] += 1 self._rules_log[path].append((score, text)) # += because negative values are returned total_score += score if total_score != 100: self._rules_stat[Stat.TOTAL] += 1 self._score_sum += total_score
[docs] def handleDone(self): if self._num_loaded == 0: super(StatisticsPlugin, self).handleDone() return print() for stat in self._stats + [self._rules_stat]: print() # Detailed rule violations if self.args.verbose: for path in self._rules_log: printMsg(path) # does the right thing for unicode for score, text in self._rules_log[path]: print("\t%s%s%s (%s)" % (Fore.RED, str(score).center(3), Fore.RESET, text)) def prettyScore(): score = float(self._score_sum) / float(self._score_count) if score > 80: color = Fore.GREEN elif score > 70: color = Fore.YELLOW else: color = Fore.RED return (score, color) score, color = prettyScore() print("%sScore%s = %s%d%%%s" % (Style.BRIGHT, Style.RESET_BRIGHT, color, score, Fore.RESET)) if not self.args.verbose: print("Run with --verbose to see files and their rule violations") print()