Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (C) 2014  Travis Shirk <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
import io
import os
import hashlib
from pathlib import Path

from eyed3.utils import art
from eyed3 import compat, log
from eyed3.utils import guessMimetype
from eyed3.plugins import LoaderPlugin
from eyed3.core import VARIOUS_ARTISTS
from eyed3.id3.frames import ImageFrame
from eyed3.utils import makeUniqueFileName
from eyed3.utils.console import printMsg, printWarning, cformat, Fore

DESCR_FNAME_PREFIX = "filename: "
md5_file_cache = {}

_have_PIL = False
    import PIL                                                            # noqa
    _have_PIL = True
except ImportError:"Install `pillow` and get images details.")

_have_lastfm = False
    from eyed3.plugins.lastfm import getAlbumArt
    import requests
    _have_lastfm = True
except ImportError:"Install `pylast` and activate the --download option")

[docs]class ArtFile(object): def __init__(self, file_path): self.art_type = art.matchArtFile(file_path) self.file_path = file_path self.id3_art_type = (art.TO_ID3_ART_TYPES[self.art_type][0] if self.art_type else None) self._img_data = None self._mime_type = None @property def image_data(self): if self._img_data: return self._img_data with open(self.file_path, "rb") as f: self._img_data = return self._img_data @property def mime_type(self): if self._mime_type: return self._mime_type self._mime_type = guessMimetype(self.file_path) return self._mime_type
[docs]class ArtPlugin(LoaderPlugin): SUMMARY = u"Art for albums, artists, etc." DESCRIPTION = u"" NAMES = ["art"] def __init__(self, arg_parser): super(ArtPlugin, self).__init__(arg_parser, cache_files=True, track_images=True) self._retval = 0 g = self.arg_group g.add_argument("-F", "--update-files", action="store_true", help="Write art files from tag images.") g.add_argument("-T", "--update-tags", action="store_true", help="Write tag image from art files.") if _have_lastfm: g.add_argument("-D", "--download", action="store_true", help="Attempt to download album art if missing.") g.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Show detailed information for all art found.")
[docs] def start(self, args, config): if args.update_files and args.update_tags: # Not using add_mutually_exclusive_group from argparse because # the options belong to the plugin opts group (self.arg_group) raise StopIteration("The --update-tags and --update-files options " "are mutually exclusive, use only one at a " "time.") super(ArtPlugin, self).start(args, config)
def _verbose(self, s): if self.args.verbose: printMsg(s)
[docs] def handleDirectory(self, d, _): global md5_file_cache md5_file_cache.clear() if not self._file_cache: log.debug("%s: nothing to do." % d) return try: all_tags = sorted([f.tag for f in self._file_cache if f.tag], key=lambda x: # If not deemed an album, move on. if len(set([t.album for t in all_tags])) > 1: log.debug("Skipping directory '%s', non-album." % d) return printMsg(cformat("\nChecking: ", Fore.BLUE) + d) # File images dir_art = [] for img_file in self._dir_images: img_base = os.path.basename(img_file) art_file = ArtFile(img_file) try: pil_img = pilImage(img_file) except IOError as ex: printWarning(compat.unicode(ex)) continue if art_file.art_type: self._verbose("file %s: %s\n\t%s" % (img_base, art_file.art_type, pilImageDetails(pil_img))) dir_art.append(art_file) else: self._verbose("file %s: unknown (ignored)" % img_base) if not dir_art: print(cformat("NONE", Fore.RED)) self._retval += 1 else: print(cformat("OK", Fore.GREEN)) # --download handling if not dir_art and and _have_lastfm: tag = all_tags[0] artists = set([t.artist for t in all_tags]) if len(artists) > 1: artist_query = VARIOUS_ARTISTS else: artist_query = tag.album_artist or tag.artist try: url = getAlbumArt(artist_query, tag.album) resp = requests.get(url) if resp.status_code != 200: raise ValueError() except ValueError: print("Album art download not found") else: print("Downloading album art...") img = pilImage(io.BytesIO(resp.content)) cover = Path(d) / "cover.{}".format(img.format.lower()) assert not cover.exists() print("Save {cover}".format(cover=cover)) # Tag images for tag in all_tags: file_base = os.path.basename( for img in tag.images: try: pil_img = pilImage(img) pil_img_details = pilImageDetails(pil_img) except (OSError, IOError) as ex: printWarning(compat.unicode(ex)) continue if img.picture_type in art.FROM_ID3_ART_TYPES: img_type = art.FROM_ID3_ART_TYPES[img.picture_type] self._verbose("tag %s: %s (Description: %s)\n\t%s" % (file_base, img_type, img.description, pil_img_details)) if self.args.update_files: assert(not self.args.update_tags) path = os.path.dirname( if img.description.startswith(DESCR_FNAME_PREFIX): # Use filename from Image description fname = img.description[ len(DESCR_FNAME_PREFIX):].strip() fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] else: fname = art.FILENAMES[img_type][0].strip("*") fname = img.makeFileName(name=fname) if (md5File(os.path.join(path, fname)) == md5Data(img.image_data)): printMsg("Skipping writing of %s, file " "exists and is exactly the same." % fname) else: img_file = makeUniqueFileName( os.path.join(path, fname), uniq=img.description) printWarning("Writing %s..." % img_file) with open(img_file, "wb") as fp: fp.write(img.image_data) else: self._verbose( "tag %s: unhandled image type %d (ignored)" % (file_base, img.picture_type) ) # Copy file art to tags. if self.args.update_tags: assert(not self.args.update_files) for tag in all_tags: for art_file in dir_art: art_path = os.path.basename(art_file.file_path) printMsg("Copying %s to tag '%s' image" % (art_path, art_file.id3_art_type)) descr = "filename: %s" % os.path.splitext(art_path)[0] tag.images.set(art_file.id3_art_type, art_file.image_data, art_file.mime_type, description=descr) finally: # Cleans up... super(ArtPlugin, self).handleDirectory(d, _)
[docs] def handleDone(self): return self._retval
[docs]def pilImage(source): if not _have_PIL: return None from PIL import Image if isinstance(source, ImageFrame): return else: return
[docs]def pilImageDetails(img): return "[%dx%d %s md5:%s]" % (img.size[0], img.size[1], img.format.lower(), md5Data(img.tobytes())) if img else ""
[docs]def md5Data(data): md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(data) return md5.hexdigest()
[docs]def md5File(file_name): """Compute md5 hash for contents of ``file_name``.""" global md5_file_cache if file_name in md5_file_cache: return md5_file_cache[file_name] md5 = hashlib.md5() try: with open(file_name, "rb") as f: md5.update( md5_file_cache[file_name] = md5.hexdigest() return md5_file_cache[file_name] except IOError: return None