Source code for eyed3.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (C) 2009-2012  Travis Shirk <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import warnings

import eyed3
import eyed3.utils
import eyed3.utils.console
import eyed3.plugins
import eyed3.__about__
from eyed3.compat import ConfigParser, ConfigParserError, StringIO, UnicodeType

from eyed3.utils.log import initLogging

DEFAULT_PLUGIN = "classic"
DEFAULT_CONFIG = os.path.expandvars("${HOME}/.eyeD3/config.ini")
USER_PLUGINS_DIR = os.path.expandvars("${HOME}/.eyeD3/plugins")

[docs]def main(args, config): if "list_plugins" in args and args.list_plugins: _listPlugins(config) return 0 args.plugin.start(args, config) # Process paths (files/directories) for p in args.paths: eyed3.utils.walk(args.plugin, p, excludes=args.excludes, fs_encoding=args.fs_encoding) retval = args.plugin.handleDone() return retval or 0
def _listPlugins(config): from eyed3.utils.console import Fore, Style print("") def header(name): is_default = name == DEFAULT_PLUGIN return (Style.BRIGHT + (Fore.GREEN if is_default else '') + "* " + name + Style.RESET_ALL) all_plugins = eyed3.plugins.load(reload=True, paths=_getPluginPath(config)) # Create a new dict for sorted display plugin_names = [] for plugin in set(all_plugins.values()): plugin_names.append(plugin.NAMES[0]) print("Type 'eyeD3 --plugin=<name> --help' for more help") print("") plugin_names.sort() for name in plugin_names: plugin = all_plugins[name] alt_names = plugin.NAMES[1:] alt_names = " (%s)" % ", ".join(alt_names) if alt_names else "" print("%s %s:" % (header(name), alt_names)) for l in textwrap.wrap(plugin.SUMMARY, initial_indent=' ' * 2, subsequent_indent=' ' * 2): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREY + l + Style.RESET_ALL) print("") def _loadConfig(args): import os config = None config_file = None if args.config: config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file) elif args.no_config is False: config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG if not config_file: return None if os.path.isfile(config_file): try: config = ConfigParser() except ConfigParserError as ex: eyed3.log.warning("User config error: " + str(ex)) return None elif config_file != DEFAULT_CONFIG: raise IOError("User config not found: %s" % config_file) return config def _getPluginPath(config): plugin_path = [USER_PLUGINS_DIR] if config and config.has_option("default", "plugin_path"): val = config.get("default", "plugin_path") plugin_path += [os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(d)) for d in val.split(':') if val] return plugin_path
[docs]def profileMain(args, config): # pragma: no cover '''This is the main function for profiling ''' import cProfile import pstats eyed3.log.debug("driver profileMain") prof = cProfile.Profile() prof = prof.runctx("main(args)", globals(), locals()) stream = StringIO() stats = pstats.Stats(prof, stream=stream) stats.sort_stats("time") # Or cumulative stats.print_stats(100) # 80 = how many to print # The rest is optional. stats.print_callees() stats.print_callers() sys.stderr.write("Profile data:\n%s\n" % stream.getvalue()) return 0
[docs]def setFileScannerOpts(arg_parser, paths_metavar="PATH", paths_help="Files or directory paths"): arg_parser.add_argument("--exclude", action="append", metavar="PATTERN", dest="excludes", help="A regular expression for path exclusion. May be specified " "multiple times.") arg_parser.add_argument("--fs-encoding", action="store", dest="fs_encoding", default=eyed3.LOCAL_FS_ENCODING, metavar="ENCODING", help="Use the specified file system encoding for filenames. " "Default as it was detected is '%s' but this option is still " "useful when reading from mounted file systems." % eyed3.LOCAL_FS_ENCODING) arg_parser.add_argument("paths", metavar=paths_metavar, nargs="*", help=paths_help)
[docs]def makeCmdLineParser(subparser=None): from eyed3.utils import ArgumentParser p = (ArgumentParser(prog=eyed3.__about__.__project_name__, add_help=True) if not subparser else subparser) setFileScannerOpts(p) p.add_argument("-L", "--plugins", action="store_true", default=False, dest="list_plugins", help="List all available plugins") p.add_argument("-P", "--plugin", action="store", dest="plugin", default=None, metavar="NAME", help="Specify which plugin to use. The default is '%s'" % DEFAULT_PLUGIN) p.add_argument("-C", "--config", action="store", dest="config", default=None, metavar="FILE", help="Supply a configuration file. The default is " "'%s', although even that is optional." % DEFAULT_CONFIG) p.add_argument("--backup", action="store_true", dest="backup", help="Plugins should honor this option such that " "a backup is made of any file modified. The backup " "is made in same directory with a '.orig' " "extension added.") p.add_argument("-Q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="A hint to plugins to output less.") p.add_argument("--no-color", action="store_true", dest="no_color", help="Suppress color codes in console output. " "This will happen automatically if the output is " "not a TTY (e.g. when redirecting to a file)") p.add_argument("--no-config", action="store_true", dest="no_config", help="Do not load the default user config '%s'. " "The -c/--config options are still honored if " "present." % DEFAULT_CONFIG) return p
[docs]def parseCommandLine(cmd_line_args=None): cmd_line_args = list(cmd_line_args) if cmd_line_args else list(sys.argv[1:]) # Remove any options not related to plugin/config for first parse. These # determine the parser for the next stage. stage_one_args = [] idx, auto_append = 0, False while idx < len(cmd_line_args): opt = cmd_line_args[idx] if auto_append: stage_one_args.append(opt) auto_append = False if opt in ("-C", "--config", "-P", "--plugin", "--no-config"): stage_one_args.append(opt) if opt != "--no-config": auto_append = True elif (opt.startswith("-C=") or opt.startswith("--config=") or opt.startswith("-P=") or opt.startswith("--plugin=")): stage_one_args.append(opt) idx += 1 parser = makeCmdLineParser() args = parser.parse_args(stage_one_args) config = _loadConfig(args) if args.plugin: # Plugin on the command line takes precedence over config. plugin_name = args.plugin elif config and config.has_option("default", "plugin"): # Get default plugin from config or use DEFAULT_CONFIG plugin_name = config.get("default", "plugin") if not plugin_name: plugin_name = DEFAULT_PLUGIN else: plugin_name = DEFAULT_PLUGIN assert(plugin_name) PluginClass = eyed3.plugins.load(plugin_name, paths=_getPluginPath(config)) if PluginClass is None: eyed3.utils.console.printError("Plugin not found: %s" % plugin_name) parser.exit(1) plugin = PluginClass(parser) if config and config.has_option("default", "options"): cmd_line_args.extend(config.get("default", "options").split()) if config and config.has_option(plugin_name, "options"): cmd_line_args.extend(config.get(plugin_name, "options").split()) # Reparse the command line including options from the config. args = parser.parse_args(args=cmd_line_args) args.plugin = plugin eyed3.log.debug("command line args: %s", args) eyed3.log.debug("plugin is: %s", plugin) return args, parser, config
def _main(): """Entry point""" initLogging() try: args, _, config = parseCommandLine() eyed3.utils.console.AnsiCodes.init(not args.no_color) mainFunc = main if args.debug_profile is False else profileMain retval = mainFunc(args, config) except KeyboardInterrupt: retval = 0 except (StopIteration, IOError) as ex: eyed3.utils.console.printError(UnicodeType(ex)) retval = 1 except Exception as ex: eyed3.utils.console.printError("Uncaught exception: %s\n" % str(ex)) eyed3.log.exception(ex) retval = 1 if args.debug_pdb: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", PendingDeprecationWarning) # Must delay the import of ipdb as say as possible because # of import ipdb as pdb except ImportError: import pdb e, m, tb = sys.exc_info() pdb.post_mortem(tb) sys.exit(retval) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover _main()