Source code for eyed3.mimetype

import pathlib
import filetype
from io import BytesIO
from .mp3 import MIME_TYPES as MP3_MIME_TYPES
from .utils.log import getLogger
from filetype.utils import _NUM_SIGNATURE_BYTES

log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def guessMimetype(filename): """Return the mime-type for `filename`.""" path = pathlib.Path(filename) if not isinstance(filename, pathlib.Path) else filename with"rb") as signature: # Since filetype only reads 262 of file many mp3s starting with null bytes will not find # a header, so ignoring null bytes and using the bytes interface... buf = b"" while not buf: data = if not data: break data = data.lstrip(b"\x00") if data: data_len = len(data) if data_len >= _NUM_SIGNATURE_BYTES: buf = data[:_NUM_SIGNATURE_BYTES] else: buf = data + - data_len) # Special casing .id3/.tag because extended filetype with add_type() prepends, meaning # all mp3 would be labeled mimetype id3, while appending would mean each .id3 would be # mime mpeg. if path.suffix in ID3_MIME_TYPE_EXTENSIONS: if Id3Tag().match(buf) or Id3TagExt().match(buf): return Id3TagExt.MIME return filetype.guess_mime(buf)
[docs]class Mp2x(filetype.Type): """Implements the MP2.x audio type matcher.""" MIME = MP3_MIME_TYPES[0] EXTENSION = "mp3" def __init__(self): super().__init__(mime=self.__class__.MIME, extension=self.__class__.EXTENSION)
[docs] def match(self, buf): from .mp3.headers import findHeader return (len(buf) > 2 and buf[0] == 0xff and buf[1] in (0xf3, 0xe3) and findHeader(BytesIO(buf), 0)[1])
[docs]class Mp3Invalids(filetype.Type): """Implements a MP3 audio type matcher this is odd or/corrupt mp3.""" MIME = MP3_MIME_TYPES[0] EXTENSION = "mp3" def __init__(self): super().__init__(mime=self.__class__.MIME, extension=self.__class__.EXTENSION)
[docs] def match(self, buf): from .mp3.headers import findHeader header = findHeader(BytesIO(buf), 0)[1] log.debug(f"Mp3Invalid, found: {header}") return bool(header)
[docs]class Id3Tag(filetype.Type): """Implements a MP3 audio type matcher this is odd or/corrupt mp3.""" MIME = ID3_MIME_TYPE EXTENSION = "id3" def __init__(self): super().__init__(mime=self.__class__.MIME, extension=self.__class__.EXTENSION)
[docs] def match(self, buf): return buf.startswith(b"ID3") or len(buf) == 0
[docs]class Id3TagExt(Id3Tag): EXTENSION = "tag"
[docs]class M3u(filetype.Type): """Implements the m3u playlist matcher.""" MIME = "audio/x-mpegurl" EXTENSION = "m3u" def __init__(self): super().__init__(mime=self.__class__.MIME, extension=self.__class__.EXTENSION)
[docs] def match(self, buf): return len(buf) > 6 and buf.startswith(b"#EXTM3U")
# Not using `add_type()`, to append filetype.types.append(Mp2x()) filetype.types.append(M3u()) filetype.types.append(Mp3Invalids())