Source code for eyed3.plugins

import os
import sys
import pathlib

from eyed3 import core, utils
from eyed3.utils.log import getLogger
from eyed3.utils import guessMimetype, formatSize
from eyed3.utils.console import printMsg, printError, HEADER_COLOR, boldText, Fore


log = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load(name=None, reload=False, paths=None): """Returns the eyed3.plugins.Plugin *class* identified by ``name``. If ``name`` is ``None`` then the full list of plugins is returned. Once a plugin is loaded its class object is cached, and future calls to this function will returned the cached version. Use ``reload=True`` to refresh the cache.""" global _PLUGINS if len(list(_PLUGINS.keys())) and not reload: # Return from the cache if possible try: return _PLUGINS[name] if name else _PLUGINS except KeyError: # It's not in the cache, look again and refresh cash _PLUGINS = {} else: _PLUGINS = {} def _isValidModule(f, d): """Determine if file `f` is a valid module file name.""" # 1) tis a file # 2) does not start with '_', or '.' # 3) avoid the .pyc dup return bool(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, f)) and f[0] not in ('_', '.') and f.endswith(".py")) log.debug(f"Extra plugin paths: {paths}") for d in [os.path.dirname(__file__)] + (paths if paths else []): log.debug(f"Searching '{d}' for plugins") if not os.path.isdir(d): continue if d not in sys.path: sys.path.append(d) try: for f in os.listdir(d): if not _isValidModule(f, d): continue mod_name = os.path.splitext(f)[0] try: mod = __import__(mod_name, globals=globals(), locals=locals()) except ImportError as ex: log.verbose(f"Plugin {(f, d)} requires packages that are not installed: {ex}") continue except Exception: log.exception(f"Bad plugin {(f, d)}") continue for attr in [getattr(mod, a) for a in dir(mod)]: if type(attr) == type and issubclass(attr, Plugin): # This is a eyed3.plugins.Plugin PluginClass = attr if (PluginClass not in list(_PLUGINS.values()) and len(PluginClass.NAMES)): log.debug(f"loading plugin '{mod}' from '{d}{os.path.sep}{f}'") # Setting the main name outside the loop to ensure # there is at least one, otherwise a KeyError is # thrown. main_name = PluginClass.NAMES[0] _PLUGINS[main_name] = PluginClass for alias in PluginClass.NAMES[1:]: # Add alternate names _PLUGINS[alias] = PluginClass # If 'plugin' is found return it immediately if name and name in PluginClass.NAMES: return PluginClass finally: if d in sys.path: sys.path.remove(d) log.debug(f"Plugins loaded: {_PLUGINS}") if name: # If a specific plugin was requested and we've not returned yet... return None return _PLUGINS
[docs]class Plugin(utils.FileHandler): """Base class for all eyeD3 plugins""" # One line about the plugin SUMMARY = "eyeD3 plugin" # Detailed info about the plugin DESCRIPTION = "" # A list of **at least** one name for invoking the plugin, values [1:] are treated as alias NAMES = [] def __init__(self, arg_parser): self.arg_parser = arg_parser self.arg_group = arg_parser.add_argument_group("Plugin options", f"{self.SUMMARY}\n{self.DESCRIPTION}")
[docs] def start(self, args, config): """Called after command line parsing but before any paths are processed. The ``self.args`` argument (the parsed command line) and ``self.config`` (the user config, if any) is set here.""" self.args = args self.config = config
[docs] def handleFile(self, f): pass
[docs] def handleDone(self): """Called after all file/directory processing; before program exit. The return value is passed to sys.exit (None results in 0).""" pass
@staticmethod def _getHardRule(width): return "-" * width @staticmethod def _getFileHeader(path, width): path = pathlib.Path(path) file_size = path.stat().st_size path_str = str(path) size_str = formatSize(file_size) size_len = len(size_str) + 5 if len(path_str) + size_len >= width: path_str = "..." + str(path)[-(75 - size_len):] padding_len = width - len(path_str) - size_len return "{path}{color}{padding}[ {size} ]{reset}"\ .format(path=boldText(path_str, c=HEADER_COLOR()), color=HEADER_COLOR(), padding=" " * padding_len, size=size_str, reset=Fore.RESET)
[docs]class LoaderPlugin(Plugin): """A base class that provides auto loading of audio files""" def __init__(self, arg_parser, cache_files=False, track_images=False): """Constructor. If ``cache_files`` is True (off by default) then each AudioFile is appended to ``_file_cache`` during ``handleFile`` and the list is cleared by ``handleDirectory``.""" super().__init__(arg_parser) self._num_loaded = 0 self._file_cache = [] if cache_files else None self._dir_images = [] if track_images else None self.audio_file = None
[docs] def handleFile(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """Loads ``f`` and sets ``self.audio_file`` to an instance of :class:`eyed3.core.AudioFile` or ``None`` if an error occurred or the file is not a recognized type. The ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are passed to :func:`eyed3.core.load`. """ try: self.audio_file = core.load(f, *args, **kwargs) except NotImplementedError as ex: # Frame decryption, for instance... printError(str(ex)) return if self.audio_file: self._num_loaded += 1 if self._file_cache is not None: self._file_cache.append(self.audio_file) elif self._dir_images is not None: mt = guessMimetype(f) if mt and mt.startswith("image/"): self._dir_images.append(f)
[docs] def handleDirectory(self, d, _): """Override to make use of ``self._file_cache``. By default the list is cleared, subclasses should consider doing the same otherwise every AudioFile will be cached.""" if self._file_cache is not None: self._file_cache = [] if self._dir_images is not None: self._dir_images = []
[docs] def handleDone(self): """If no audio files were loaded this simply prints 'Nothing to do'.""" if self._num_loaded == 0: printMsg("No audio files found.")